Newcastle Women Attend Interfaith Events to Promote Integration

Several women from the Newcastle branch of the Ahmadiyya Muslims Women’s Association (AMWA) attended a virtual interfaith event. This was organised by the Newcastle Council of Faith. The invitation was made by Mrs Lesley Hillary, Inter-Faith & Ethnic Relations Adviser, Diocese of Newcastle.
The host for the event was the Jewish Rabbi, Mr Aaron Lipsey. Various presentations were delivered by speakers from different religious backgrounds. The purpose of the event was to promote understanding and tolerance between the different faiths.
During the virtual event, the Newcastle AMWA also attended a tour of the Newcastle Hindu Temple. The Hindu priest, showed people around the temple and also explained various idols and their significance in the Hindu religion. This helped people understand some principles of Hinduism.
Miss Shafia Saeed from the Newcastle AMWA was also invited to a Christian-Muslim Conference hosted by Mrs Mary McLoughlin. This conference was organised by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Scotland and the Ahl Al-Bait Scotland Society to mark the signing of the document on Human Fraternity by Pope Francis and Mr Sheikh Al Azhar.
This virtual interfaith event was to bridge differences between the two faiths and develop new friendships.