Join the big New Year clean up of Huddersfield town centre

A group of volunteers are calling on other community minded people to join their effort to clean up Huddersfield town centre .
Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association are hitting the streets early on New Year’s Day to pick up litter.
People from the Honley area have also expressed an interest in taking part.
They have been given support by Kirklees Council , who have provided equipment.
The association is renowned for its efforts – last year cleaning 50 town centres across the country.
Last year, while most of us slept off our hangovers, about 40 volunteers took part in the clean up.
Fatihul-haq, organiser of the Huddersfield group said: “Our objective for organising the clean up exercise is to ensure that our surroundings are clean and rid of filth in order to ensure that the health of all people in Huddersfield town is protected.
“The Ahmadiyya Muslim Association is made of people from all backgrounds including the young, elderly, male and female.
“It’s our teaching that ‘cleanliness is part of faith’ and we therefore see cleaning the environment both as a religious obligation and a civic duty.