Young Muslims from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association to raise money for Barnardoʹs, the British Heart Foundation and Great Ormond Street Hospital in 10K Hyde Park run

Young Muslims from across south London and north Surrey are taking part in a charity fundraising run in Hyde Park next weekend.From November 2015: Young Muslims from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association help net £400,000 for Poppy Appeal

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) will be hosting their flagship event, the ‘Mercy for Mankind’ 10K Charity Challenge, at 10am on Saturday 16th April.The run has taken place since 1985 and raises around a quarter of a million pounds every year.AMYA has about 500 young members from Epsom, Tolworth, Sutton, Surbiton, Worcester Park, Carshalton and Maldon Manor.

Around 600 runners will take part in the event, which will be attended by MPs and community faith leaders.This will be the 31st Charity Challenge, an event which has raised more than £2 million for various UK charities including Barnardoʹs, the British Heart Foundation and Great Ormond Street Hospital.The organisation’s young members in southwest London alone raised £34,000 last year and are aiming to raise £40,000 this year.

AMYA is the largest Muslim youth organisation in the UK, with their charitable work including blood drives, street cleaning and distribution of food packs to the homeless.They also aim to combat negative Muslim stereotypes through their charitable work.A spokesman for the group said: “In an era where Muslims are shown to be disregarding such peaceful principles of Islam, AMYA hope this event will serve a dual purpose of not only helping charitable causes but also reminding Muslims and non-Muslims alike that Islam and its founder stood firmly for peace and unity within humanity.”

Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: “I applaud the efforts of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to strive for peace and to build bridges between diverse communities.”