Young Muslims clean up streets of Epsom after New Year’s Eve celebrations
84 young people wearing high vis jackets were up early yesterday (January 1) to pick up rubbish left behind in Epsom and surrounding Surrey areas.
The youth group, called the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, has more than 8,600 members across the UK and focuses on helping young Muslims serve their community.
The event was part of a national campaign, with similar clean ups across 50 locations in the UK on New Year’s Day.
Members across the country met at their local mosque and headed out to their high street to pick up litter after a special prayer.
“Our members have enjoyed living in Surrey for decades and so any opportunity to help our local Community is a much-welcomed one,” said Ahsan, a youth leader at Surrey AMYA.
He added: “Cleaning our streets also presents us with an opportunity to become better Muslims as cleanliness is an integral part of our faith.
“We are a peace-loving and well-organised association which will continue to help make this great part of England an even better place to live in.”
In the past, AMYA organised blood donation sessions, fundraised for the British Red Cross, brought chocolates to nursing homes and children’s hospitals and helped feed the homeless.
Read original post HERE.