Young Muslims clean up Rosyth after Hogmanay celebrations

The 11 volunteers were from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) Scotland, who celebrated New Year’s Day by being up at the crack of dawn and serving their local community.
The big street clean was just another initiative that these youngsters have taken part in this winter.
The group has also collected money for charities such as CHAS, visited nursing homes and donated food to the homeless and vulnerable during the festive period.
Usman Saeed, 39, from Dunfermline, deputy regional youth leader, said: “We try to do a lot of volunteering to help the local community.
“We are quite aware of the bad name sometimes given to Islam but we follow the true Islam faith and we try to show that through our charity work.
“The clean-up is a UK wide event which we especially do on New Year’s Day but we also do them through the year.
“We’re thankful to Fife Council who lent us the kit to carry out the clean-up.”
Read original post HERE.