Muslims Urged to Break Out of ‘Dark-Ages Mindset’
26 July 2007 Press Release
Embrace intellectual and religious advancement, says Muslim leader
A UK Islamic leader is urging Muslims to abandon ‘learning by rote’ but to fully understand their faith in order to make religious and intellectual advances.
Mr Rafiq Hayat, President Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK – one of the oldest Muslim communities in Britain – claims that many Muslims need to break out of a medieval mindset which blinkered their view of the world.
“Islam is a universal religion that embraces people of all races and encourages peace and harmony. Unfortunately the way some madrasas (religious schools) are run – the outcome is quite the opposite.
“The reason for this is that young children are indoctrinated into a way of thinking that is not inclusive and neither are they encouraged to grow spiritually or intellectually. They emerge from these religious schools – and indeed some mosques – with a blinkered view of the world.
“Muslims must ask themselves where are the shining lights of intellectual progress today? Why are not Islamic nations today held as examples of great civilisations as was once the case? Rather it is quite the contrary – many are seen as repressive and unprogressive.
“This is hardly what Islam stands for. This is a religion of great wisdom and compassion – these are the qualities we wish to be associated with, and not the Taliban and terror.”
Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslims Community will gather for their Annual Convention to reinforce the message that true Islamic beliefs and values require Muslims to be peace loving and loyal to their country.
The convention, near Alton, Hampshire, will see 25,000 Ahmadi Muslims raise the Union Jack, and underline the message that for Muslims loyalty to one’s country is not an option but an Islamic duty. It will assert that for there to be peace and cohesion in society, Muslims must make every effort to reach out to their fellow citizens.
Convention Dates: July 27-29, 2007
Contact: Dr Basharat Nazir 07703 483 384
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