Muslims Travel Overseas for Caliphate
More than 300 Muslim youth from North America are returning from London, England, where they had traveled over the weekend to pledge themselves to the Khalifa (Caliph) of Islam as a demonstration of practicing Islam in the peaceful manner for which it was intended. At a time when Muslim youth have flown overseas to join the so-called caliphate of ISIS, this trip organized by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) exhibits a powerful allegiance to a true caliphate.
The American youth were joined by hundreds of British and European Muslim youth in a show of unity and brotherhood marked with collective prayers, lectures, sports activities and meals. The youth met privately with the leader who commands the largest following of Muslims in the world. His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad gave the youth direct instructions on how to effectively practice and defend their faith in the West. In a powerful display of unity, the entire body of Muslim youth took an oath of allegiance at the hand of the Caliph inside the historic London Mosque – the oldest Mosque in London.
No other Muslim leader has this global reach with such a profoundly positive effect on his followers. Rather than fight wars, these youth have started the “Stop the Crisis” campaign (the largest Muslim youth-based anti-terrorism initiative to date) which has reached more than 100 universities and lecture halls across the US and Canada.
About Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) is a nationwide youth group that works with young Muslim men and boys around the country. The association serves as the young men and boys auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Officially established in the United States in 1939, AMYA is one of the earliest Muslim Youth organizations in the United States.
AMYA is a dynamic and vibrant association serving not only the needs of its members but of its local communities and nation. The association is comprised of more than 3,000 men and boys aged 7 to 40, spread across 70 local chapters. Previous members of AMYA include Grammy Award winning artists and Pulitzer Prize winning journalists. AMYA is headquartered in Silver Springs MD.