Muslims Join National Efforts to Boost Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccines

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK is supporting the national effort to boost uptake of
the COVID-19 vaccine by hosting a vaccination pop-up centre at the Fazl Mosque in
Southfields, south London.

The community previously hosted Merton’s first pop-up vaccination clinic at the Baitul Futuh
Mosque in Morden, which proved a huge success with over 1,000 members taking up the jab
in just one day.

The latest clinic was set up in just a few days by the mosque community, including more than
40 volunteers, and a nine strong NHS South West London vaccination team. 1,000
vaccinations were given at the Fazl Mosque vaccination pop-up centre.

The National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK, Rafiq Hayat said:

“Recent studies have shown significantly lower than average take-up of vaccines among
BAME people, however as Muslims, service to humanity is our duty, and we have been clear
that we fully support the vaccination programme.

“It is hoped that with the programme of clinics such as these, we can further encourage as
many of our local community members to take up the vaccine. I am pleased that through the
past two pop-up vaccine clinics around 2,000 vaccinations have been given.

“We are very grateful to the NHS heroes who are working hard to protect the health of the
nation – they deserve our constant prayers and immense gratitude.”

Learn more about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK here:

Media contact: Mahmood Rafiq
email: Phone: +44(0)7971 060962