Muslim Youth Oldham clean streets on New Year’s Day

Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Oldham Kept their New Year’s resolution by cleaning streets of Oldham Town Centre on New Years Day.
Muslim Youth offered early morning prayers called Fajar in Congregation and gathered at Oldham Town Centre at 9 am for a litter pick session on New Years Day.
Armed with brooms, bin bags and litter pickers, the young Muslims helped to clean the streets, with the hope that 2020 will see a drop on pollution and plastic waste.
The purpose of the session is to start the year by reflecting on the teachings of Islam Love Where you Live.
A local charity spokesman said: “We as a muslim believe the cleanliness is part of the faith.
“The litter pick sessions give us a chance to clean our local area to make it brighter and shiny.
“This session was the first session for this year and we will continue to perform session like this to show our love for Oldham.”
National President of AMYA, Abdul Quddus Arif said: “Around 1,500 Ahmadi Muslim Youth across the UK will take to the streets on New Year’s Day to clean the streets, while others will mostly be asleep or on holiday enjoying themselves.
“As Muslims, for us to positively contribute to our society and help those around us is integral to our faith as the founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him said that loyalty to one’s country is part of faith.
“He also set guidelines for Muslims not to be wasteful and to deem removing harmful objects from the streets as charity.”
Original article HERE.