Milton Keynes Muslim Youth Association supports poppy appeal
Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association of Milton Keynes, accompanied by senior members, spent Saturday selling Poppies as part of this year’s Remembrance Sunday appeal. They also sold other merchandise to raise funds for the great cause, at centre:mk. “This is something that we have been involved with for the last five years and hopefully this will continue for many years to come,” said local AMYA youth leader, Waqas Ahmad Khokhar. “Helping charities and the local community in this manner is something that is close to our heart. We recognise Islam as a religion of peace and integration which promotes unity”.
One of the mottos of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association is “Every act of goodness is charity” and this is a message of the Prophet Muhammad who according to Muslims encouraged charitable actions towards others. Locally, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association of Milton Keynes are involved heavily with charity work. They regularly volunteer alongside MK Hospitals Leo Appeal, The MK Soup Run and the MK branch of the British Heart Foundation.