Leicester and Norbury Muslims Participate in the Cheap and Easy Cooking Campaign

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in many families struggling to make ends meet. As part of the efforts to address this dire problem, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) launched the Cheap and Easy Cooking campaign to help struggling families to cook cheaply, healthily and easily. This campaign involved the donation of curry starter packs to food banks around the UK.
Members of the Leicester AMC answered this call and as a result came forward in numbers and donated generously towards the campaign. In total 118 curry starter packs were prepared by the Leicester volunteers and donated to the Network foodbank, Leicester. Each curry starter pack contained:
- 1 Packet of Zeera, Cumin Seeds 100g
- 1 Packet of Turmeric powder 100g
- 1 Packet of Chilli powder 100g
- 1 Bottle of Garlic & Ginger Paste
- 1 carton Tomato Passata
- 1 White Chickpeas Tin
- 1 kg packet of Rice
- 1 packet of Red split lentils
On receiving the items, Bruce Harrison (Operational Manager at Network foodbank, Leicester) said:
“Thank you so much for the food boxes. They look amazing and the recipe books are excellent. We have clients that will really benefit from these. I would love further opportunities on when we can effectively work together.”
The AMC in Norbury, donated 100 food packs containing recipe booklets and recommended food items, to a local foodbank in Croydon on 28th April 2021.
The staff at the foodbank were hugely appreciative and told the AMC that the recipients of the previous donations (back in February 2021) really liked the idea of the Cheap and Easy Cooking campaign. They also stated that the self-contained food packs with the recipe booklets were very effective.