Huddersfield Muslim group ‘cleans up’ town centre and hands out free food to ‘bring respect’

A Muslim association in Huddersfield is planning a big clean-up operation to make the town centre look more appealing in 2023. Nida Ul Haq the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association leader said it’s important to “tidy up the town centre on new year’s day for the benefit of all.” The planned clean-up is in keeping with tradition and the teachings of Islam to show that cleansing is part of the faith. Residents in Huddersfield are welcome to join as well as young people who want to take pride in their town.
The plans behind the project are to bring more respect to the area and create more harmony across the Huddersfield community. Nida added: ” There is only one world for us to inhabit and we all have a responsibility to make it as clean and non-polluted as we can” Fatihul-haq, the external secretary of Ahmadiyya Muslim association in Huddersfield, said the group will also be handing out free food and clothing for those who need it. He said: “We will also be providing food and clothing for homeless people. This will take place at the same time as clean-up.
“We recognise that at this time of financial pressure there are many people in need of help. “On Christmas day we will also be providing food and transport for needy people. If anyone in need of help they can contact us on the details below. In these difficult times it is more than ever necessary for all of the community to come together to offer assistance.” The group will be meeting on January 1 at 9.30am in Market Place, Huddersfield.