High Sheriff of Bucks attends Eid dinner in Milton Keynes

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Milton Keynes hosted an Eid dinner on Saturday at Herons Lodge Guide Centre.
The event was attended by 130 people including members from the council of faiths, school teachers, university professors, professionals and various charity representatives.

The Eid dinner
Also in attendance were High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire Julia Upton MBE and the Mayor of Milton Keynes Councillor Sam Crooks.
The evening started with the recitation of the Holy Quran. This was followed by the welcome address by the president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Milton Keynes Jawad Ahmed Butt.
All guests were welcomed by the president followed by a brief introduction of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association. This included the charitable work Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association has been doing locally, led by the local youth leader Saeed Nazir. This work includes weekly homeless feeding sessions, care home visits, litter picking sessions and tree planting sessions.
Next speaker was the Regional Missionary, Imam Mujeeb Mirza, who explained the importance of fasting and the reason to celebrate Eid in the light of teachings of Holy Quran and other scriptures including Biblble. Imam’s speech was followed by the National Charity Walk promotion speech led by the coordinator Aamir Bhatti. Representatives from MK Dons also shared the details of the event, which is to be held in Milton Keynes on June 30 2019 at MKDons Stadium.
The Mayor and the High Sheriff both praised the efforts of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association in their speeches. They appreciated the efforts of Ahmadiyya Muslims Community in bringing the communities together through such events and gatherings. Later both dignitaries went on to meet and greet all the attendees and wished members Eid Mubarak. The formal session was ended by closing remarks from Regional President Muhammad Rafi-ud-Din. In the end Regional President lead the silent prayers which was joined by all communities.
Food was then served. All attendees were given a guest pack which included brief introduction of the Islam and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The guest packs also included key addresses of the World wide Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad. There were exhibitions set up around the halls and the guests showed a keen interest in knowing more about Islam and the community.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a religious organisation, international in its scope. With its sincere desire for peace, the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has grown and is established in more than 200 countries with a following of over 200 million. It is internationally renowned for its services to humanity by providing disaster relief, medical facilities, energy and education worldwide.