Heart-warming efforts of Midlands Muslim Groups to support local community amidst COVID-19 outbreak
Several Midlands branches of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community have been helping local people in any way they can – from shopping for those self-isolating to sending thank-you messages to frontline workers.
The Ahmadiyya is a Muslim community which follows, “Islam’s true message of peace and harmony,” according to the Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. The community emphasises the importance of humanity, equality and doing good for others – their motto is “Love for All – Hatred for None.”
There are one hundred Ahmadiyya branches across Britain, with twelve branches across the Midlands. Hundreds of Ahmadi Muslims across the Midlands have been supporting their local communities throughout the outbreak.
Aqeel Kang is the Imam of the Baitul Ghafoor Mosque in Halesowen. He said, “Volunteering and helping others is a very important part of being an Ahmadi Muslim.”