Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community granted audience to the Archbishop Angaelos of London
On Saturday 11 June 2022, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community graciously granted an audience with Archbishop Angaelos of London.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aba) granted a meeting to @BishopAngaelos, the Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London.
After the meeting, the @muslimtv team had the opportunity to speak to him.
Watch the full episode of 'This Week With Huzoor' on:https://t.co/WeEN9oIxKZ pic.twitter.com/FKjaNxG47w
— MTA News (@NewsMTA) June 17, 2022
During the meeting His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad spoke of how the Holy Qur’an teaches the people of the book to unify over that, which is common between them, most significantly the oneness of God Almighty. They also spoke about persecution faced by religious minorities and the need for interfaith harmony and tolerance.
Archbishop Angaelos of London said:
“The meeting with his Holiness was wonderful a man of great insight and experience and it just confirmed to me how much commonality there was between our communities and how much there was that we could continue to do together.
Today, we discussed a variety of things which impact both of our communities whether it is a life of holiness, whether it is morals and ethics that we live by, matters that impact our communities in home nations. And I think one of the things his Holiness said that has stuck, is that we need to work, continue to work on what we have in common and find common ground. And I think for religious leaders across the board there is no greater way of representing our communities and serving our communities, then to get them also to build themselves but then look outside themselves and see what else they can contribute to the society around them.
His holiness is obviously a man of great reverence and respected by his community. But also a very warm, engaging character who has a depth of spiritual understanding and he was quite gracious with his time and it was a real privilege to see him. It was wonderful to visit this place, to see the community, to see young people, to be met by my dear friends with whom I have worked for many years. And I pray every blessing upon this place and everything that is done here.”
Honoured to meet HH #MirzaMasroorAhmad, leader of worldwide #Ahmadiyya community, with my dear friend #FareedAhmed. Discussed impact of persecution on communities, their response of using that experience to serve others, and importance of family values and social responsibility. pic.twitter.com/cnDISMkbIW
— Archbishop Angaelos (@BishopAngaelos) June 11, 2022