Christians, Jews and Muslims unite against Extremism

MP John McDonnell was one of 170 people to attend a dinner aiming to unite all communities against extremism on Saturday (January 30) in Hillingdon .Organised by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association (AMA) and hosted at the Baitul Amn Mosque the event was part of the nationwide campaign ‘United Against Extremism’ .
One of the key features of this campaign is an attempt to highlight the caliphs message of peace .The Imam of the Baitul Amn Mosque, Imam Mansur, said: “The turnout of the guests was beyond our expectations.”We are especially very grateful to the numerous faith leaders who personally attended the event and the many messages of support we received from churches and synagogues.”
Keynote speaker was Imam Ata Ul Mujeeb Rashid, vice president of the AMA, who discussed the true meaning of Islam.While John McDonnell MP discussed how ah madis are always at the forefront of any problem that arises not only nationally but also at a local level, with one example being the leaflet distribution programme on Islam’s response to extremism.The evening was concluded with a question and answer session discussing nuclear equipment, why Muslim women wear hijab and the role of women in Islam, to name a few.
After the event, Mr Mansur said: “Whoever attends such an event, for him it becomes crystal clear how far extremist groups such as ISIS are from the true teaching of Islam and that their evil actions and the ways are purely for personal gain and material interests.”He added: “The event had not finished yet and people were asking when the next event is going to happen.”
For more information on Unite Against Extremism, visit the campaign website.