Ahmadiyya Muslims support for the homeless
In November 2021, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) in Slough was involved in several charitable events.
The AMC donated 350 soup casserole packs to a local charity, Slough Outreach on 18th November as part of their local “Winter Community Welfare & Support Initiative”. The packs will be used to not only support the homeless community in Slough, but also to help support the most vulnerable families who are facing food shortages.
The President of the AMC Slough, Mr Atiq Bhatti, said, “Today’s donation will further help support those in need at this difficult time of year, which has become more testing due to the coronavirus pandemic. We are committed to supporting the local community, adhering to the Islamic principle of fulfilling the rights owed to humanity. I would especially like to thank Tesco Extra in Slough who have most kindly provided these packs”.
On 25th November, the AMC donated over 250 winter thermals, comprising of socks, hats, scarves, gloves and blankets, to the charity, Slough Outreach. The items will be used to support vulnerable families in and around Slough, including those facing hardship.
The President of the AMC Slough, Mr Atiq Bhatti, said:
“Following on from our donation last week of 350 soup packets, today’s donation of winter thermals is focused upon families in and around Slough who are facing financial hardship and other crises. Our objective is service to humanity and fulfilling the rights of God’s creation, and our support will continue throughout the winter months”.
The AMC Slough was honoured to lay a wreath at the Remembrance Sunday Ceremony in Burnham on Sunday 14th November.