a letter of peace and solidarity from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mosque Cardiff

Cardiff Castle in the sunshine. Picture sent in by David Lloyd, Cathays, Cardiff
Cardiff Castle in the sunshine. Picture sent in by David Lloyd, Cathays, Cardiff

Following the horrendous bom0bings and violence in Sri Lanka many people around the world were either unable to attend their place of worship or did so with fear and trepidation.

Even for those of us fortunate enough to live in a place where we can sometimes take our freedoms for granted we attended our Church this Sunday with a deep sense of sadness.

We were therefore touched to discover waiting on our doorstep some beautiful flowers accompanied by  and the President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, Cardiff.

They, like us, offered prayers for the victims in Sri Lanka, for those affected by terrorism and for a future of peace and harmony across peoples and nations.

The theme of our post-Easter service was peace and community and here was a clear example in practice from our Muslim brothers and sisters.

We send our thanks to the Ahamadiyya Muslim Community, our condolences to those in grief and our prayers for a world of peace.

Jesus taught us to love our neighbours. We feel loved by ours. We have more in common than that which divides us.

Wesley Methodist Church

Canton, Cardiff
